ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Northern Limit Line

Okay kiddo, imagine you are playing with your friends and you make a line in the ground to show where you can and can't go. That's kind of what the Northern Limit Line is. It's a made-up line in the water between North Korea and South Korea that marks where each country can go with their boats and ships.

You see, a long time ago, North and South Korea were one country, but then they split in two and didn't get along very well. That's why they made this line in the water so they would know how far they could go without bothering each other too much.

Now, the Northern Limit Line is really important because sometimes North Korea sends their ships over the line, which makes South Korea very unhappy. That's because they don't want North Korea's boats to come too close to their land or spy on them. So South Korea has to use their own boats to make sure North Korea doesn't come over the line and to protect their own country.

So the Northern Limit Line is like a boundary in the ocean that helps North and South Korea stay in their own space so they don't get mad at each other.
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