ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Nuclear pulse propulsion

Nuclear pulse propulsion is like playing catch with a big, heavy ball called a spaceship. Instead of throwing the ball with your hand, you use a big explosion to make it go really fast.

Scientists want to use this kind of propulsion to make space travel much faster than it is now.

Imagine the spaceship is like a bottle with a cork in it. The explosion is like popping the cork out really fast. But instead of just one big explosion, there are lots of small explosions happening one after the other really quickly.

The way this works is by using nuclear bombs. You set off a small nuclear bomb behind the spaceship, and this makes it move really fast. Then the spaceship drops another bomb, and it moves even faster. It keeps doing this over and over again until it gets to where it's going.

This kind of propulsion might sound scary, but scientists are very careful when they work with nuclear bombs. They make sure they are safe and don't hurt people or the environment. But if they figure out how to do nuclear pulse propulsion, it could help us explore space much faster and farther than we ever have before!