ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Null cipher

Okay, let's imagine that you have a secret code you want to send to a friend. But you don't want anyone else to be able to read it if they intercept it. So you come up with a plan to make it really hard to figure out what your code actually says.

One way you might do this is by using a null cipher. This means that instead of actually writing out your code, you're going to fill the space on your paper with a bunch of random letters and numbers. This way, even if someone intercepted your message, they would have no way of knowing which letters actually contained your secret message.

For example, let's say your secret code is "I love ice cream." Instead of writing that out clearly, you might write something like:


To you and your friend, this might still make sense, because you know which letters and spaces are actually part of the message, and which ones are just filler. But to anyone else who sees the message, it will just look like a jumbled mess!

So that's basically what a null cipher is - it's a way of disguising your secret message by filling the space with a bunch of meaningless characters. It's not the most secure way of encryption (since someone could potentially figure out the pattern and decode your message), but it can be a good starting point for learning about how codes and ciphers work.