ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Nusantara (archipelago)

The word "nusantara" means archipelago, which is a fancy word for a group of islands. Imagine a big plate with lots of little islands on it, like a puzzle. These islands are all very close together and they make up a big area of land, surrounded by water. This area is called the nusantara or archipelago.

In many countries, people who live on islands may feel separated from their neighbors on the mainland, so it's helpful to have a special word like nusantara to describe the unique identity and culture of the archipelago. Just like how people from different parts of a country might have different accents or eat different foods, the people who live in the nusantara have their own unique traditions and ways of life.

So, when Indonesians use the word nusantara, they are referring to their home – the collection of islands they live on – and to the shared culture and history that makes their region special. It's like saying "our islands and our way of life," all wrapped up in one word.