ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

OR gate

An OR gate is a special electronic device that helps you make decisions by combining multiple inputs. Imagine you have two buttons - one says "Yes" and the other says "No." When you press the "Yes" button, it sends an electric signal that tells the OR gate that you chose "Yes." When you press the "No" button, it sends a different signal to tell the OR gate that you chose "No."

Now, the OR gate looks at these signals and makes a decision based on them. It asks itself: "Did the user press the 'Yes' button OR the 'No' button?" If they pressed the "Yes" button, then the OR gate will output a signal to tell other electronic devices that the answer is "Yes." If they pressed the "No" button, then the OR gate will output a signal to tell other electronic devices that the answer is "No."

Think of it like choosing between two options. If your mom asks if you want an apple OR a banana for a snack, you can say "Yes" if you want either one, or "No" if you don't want any snack at all. The OR gate works the same way, looking at multiple possible inputs and choosing one based on what you've chosen.