ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Object storage device

An object storage device is like a very big toy box that can hold a lot of toys. But instead of toys, it holds computer files like pictures or videos.

When you put a toy in a toy box, you usually just put it in and close the lid, right? Well, with an object storage device, you have to give the file a name and a label so that you can find it again later.

The toy box also has different compartments for different types of toys, like dolls in one section and cars in another. Similarly, object storage devices have different "buckets" or "containers" for different types of files.

The best part about an object storage device is that it can hold a LOT of files, like thousands or even millions! And if you need to share one of your files with a friend, you can just give them the name and label and they can find it too.

So an object storage device is basically a big toy box for computer files, where you have to label and organize everything so that you can find it later.