ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ocean disposal of radioactive waste

So, imagine you have a toy car that you don't want to play with anymore. You could throw it in the trash can, but that wouldn't be very nice to the Earth. Instead, you might decide to put it in a special box and throw that box in the ocean.

Now, imagine that instead of a toy car, we're talking about something called radioactive waste. This is waste that is very dangerous and can hurt people and animals if they are exposed to it for too long.

Some people thought that they could put this radioactive waste in special boxes and throw them in the ocean, far away from people and animals. But this is not a good idea because the boxes might break open, and the waste might leak into the water. This could make the ocean very dangerous for all the sea creatures who live there, and it could eventually make its way to beaches where people play and swim.

So, instead, people have decided not to throw radioactive waste in the ocean anymore. They find a safe place on land called a "repository" where the waste can be stored for a long time without hurting anyone or anything. It might seem like a hassle, but it's important to make sure that we don't hurt the Earth or the ocean with dangerous waste.