ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ocean fertilization

Okay kiddo, let's talk about ocean fertilization!

You know that plants need nutrients to grow, right? Just like how you need food and water to grow big and strong. The ocean is like a big garden with many different types of plants, such as algae and plankton. But sometimes, these plants don't have enough nutrients to grow properly.

That's where ocean fertilization comes in. It's a way for people to add nutrients to the ocean to help these plants grow. Just like how your parents might give you vitamins to make you healthier.

One way people do ocean fertilization is by adding iron. You know how your blood has a red color? That's because of something called hemoglobin, which has iron in it. Iron is also important for plants to grow. So, by adding iron to the ocean, we can help these plants grow bigger and healthier.

But, too much of a good thing can sometimes be bad. Just like how you shouldn't eat too much candy or you'll get a tummy ache. Scientists are still studying ocean fertilization to understand if it has any negative effects on the ocean ecosystem, so we need to be careful when we do it.

So, that's ocean fertilization in a nutshell. It's like adding vitamins to the ocean to help the plants grow, just like how your parents give you vitamins to make you healthy. But, we need to be careful not to do too much of it, just like how you shouldn't eat too much candy!