ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Odor is a fancy word for smells. There are lots of different smells around us all the time, some good and some bad. Have you ever smelled flowers? They usually smell really good, right? But have you ever smelled something stinky, like rotten eggs? That's a bad odor.

The way we smell things is by breathing in air through our noses. Inside our noses are some special cells that can sense different smells called odor receptors. When we breathe in air that has a smell, the odor molecules (tiny pieces that make up the smell) attach to these receptors and send a signal to our brain that tells us what we're smelling.

Sometimes, we might not like certain smells. That's because they can be unpleasant or even harmful to us. That's why we use things like air fresheners, perfume, or deodorant to try and make the bad smells go away.

So, that's odor - just a fancy word for the way things smell. Whether good or bad, our noses help us sense the world around us through the power of odor.