ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Oil refinery

An oil refinery is like a big factory where they make gasoline, diesel, and other fuels out of a black, gooey stuff called crude oil.

First, the crude oil is sent through big pipes to the refinery. Then, it goes through a process called distillation, where it's separated into different parts based on how heavy they are. The lightest parts, like gasoline, rise to the top and the heaviest parts, like tar, sink to the bottom.

After that, the different parts are sent to other parts of the refinery to be cleaned up and turned into the fuels we use in our cars and buses.

The refinery also produces other useful things like lubricating oils, asphalt for roads, and even some chemicals.

It's kind of like a big science experiment, where the scientists are trying to turn a yucky, black oil into things we can use every day.