ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Oligonucleotide synthesis

Oligonucleotide synthesis is a way to make very tiny pieces of DNA or RNA, almost like building blocks. Imagine you have some blocks with different colors that you want to put together to make a bigger structure, like a tower. Oligonucleotide synthesis is like that, but instead of blocks, it uses small chemicals called nucleotides that have different letters to represent the different parts of the DNA or RNA molecule.

To make an oligonucleotide, scientists use a special machine called a synthesizer. Think of it like a robot that puts together the nucleotides in a very specific order, according to a blueprint or recipe that the scientist provides. They choose the order of the nucleotides based on what they want the final oligonucleotide to do or what experiment they need it for.

The synthesizer “reads” the recipe and adds the nucleotides together one by one, sort of like a printer printing a document one letter at a time. Each nucleotide is added in a very specific way, so the final oligonucleotide has the exact sequence that the scientist wants.

Finally, when the synthesizer is done, the oligonucleotide can be purified and used in different experiments, like studying the functions of genes or creating new medicines. So, oligonucleotide synthesis is an important tool that helps us better understand the building blocks of life and create new ways to improve human health.