ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

One Laptop per Child

One Laptop per Child (OLPC) is a program that aims to provide children with a laptop they can use for learning. These laptops are called XO laptops and are designed specifically for children. The program was started by a man named Nicholas Negroponte who wanted to help children in developing countries learn about technology.

The XO laptop is different from regular laptops because it is smaller, stronger, and simpler to use. It does not have a lot of the features that regular laptops have, such as a CD drive or a lot of memory, but it still works well for basic tasks like writing and browsing the internet. It also has interesting features like a camera and a microphone, which can be used to take pictures and record sound.

The XO laptop is also designed to use very little power, which means it can be charged using solar power or a hand crank. This is important because many schools in developing countries do not have access to electricity.

The OLPC program works by partnering with governments and organizations to distribute the laptops to children. The laptops are given to children for free, or they are sold at a very low cost. The program also works with teachers to develop educational content that can be used on the laptops.

Overall, the One Laptop per Child program aims to help children in developing countries learn about technology and use it to improve their lives. By providing access to laptops and educational content, the program hopes to give children the tools they need to succeed in the 21st century.