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Ophthalmology in medieval Islam

Back in medieval times (which means a really long time ago), people who wanted to learn about eyes and eye diseases studied something called ophthalmology. In Islam, which was the religion that lots of people followed around that time, ophthalmology was considered very important because the eyes are very important too!

There were some really clever people back then who studied ophthalmology and wrote books about it. One of these people was named Ibn al-Haytham. He was from a place called Iraq, which was in the middle of the world map back then. He studied really hard and learned a lot about how the eyes work and how to treat problems with them.

He wrote a book called "Book of Optics" which was very important in ophthalmology in medieval Islam. In this book, he explained how light enters the eye and how it helps us to see. He also talked about how different illnesses affected the eye, and he explained how to treat them.

Another important person in ophthalmology in medieval Islam was a man named Ammar al-Mawsili. He was also from Iraq and studied the eyes and eye diseases. He wrote a book called "Book of Ophthalmology" which was very helpful for doctors who wanted to learn more about how to treat eye problems.

Some of the techniques used in ophthalmology in medieval Islam included using special tools to examine the eyes, like magnifying glasses and mirrors. They also used herbs and medicines made from plants to treat some eye problems.

Overall, ophthalmology was a very important field of study in medieval Islam, and the writings of scholars like Ibn al-Haytham and Ammar al-Mawsili helped people to learn more about the eyes and how to keep them healthy.
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