ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Or (monk)

Okay kiddo, do you know what a monk is? It is someone who dedicates their life to being very spiritual and following certain beliefs. Monks usually live in monasteries and wear special clothes.

Sometimes, monks will do something called "monk" which means they won't talk or communicate with other people. This might sound strange, but it's actually a way for the monk to focus on their spiritual or religious beliefs without being distracted by everyday things like talking to other people.

When a monk is doing monk, they might also do things like meditate, pray, or do other spiritual practices that help them feel closer to their beliefs. They might spend a lot of time alone or in quiet, peaceful places so they can really concentrate on what they are doing.

It might seem hard or boring to do monk, but for some people, it's a really important part of their spiritual journey. By giving up things like talking or socializing, it allows them to focus on what really matters to them and get closer to their beliefs.
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