ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Order of the Holy Sepulchre

The Order of the Holy Sepulchre is a special group of people who follow Jesus Christ and support the Roman Catholic Church. They are known as the noble knights and ladies of the Holy Sepulchre. Their main aim is to keep alive the memory of Jesus, his teachings and his sacrifices.

The Order is named after the Holy Sepulchre, the shrine in Jerusalem which is believed to be the place where Jesus was buried, and where he rose from the dead. The Order was created in the 11th century to help protect Christians who were making pilgrimages to the Holy Land.

The members of the Order are given special badges that they wear, which show that they are part of the Order. They also have special ceremonies where they renew their commitment to following Jesus, and they help to support the Church through their donations and voluntary work.

The Order has a leader, called the Grand Master, who is chosen by a group of other members. The Grand Master is responsible for making sure that the Order continues to follow Jesus and helps to support the Church.

To become a member of the Order, you must be Roman Catholic, and you must be nominated by a member of the Order. You must also have shown dedication to the Church, and be willing to help support it in any way that you can.

Overall, the Order of the Holy Sepulchre is a group of people who love Jesus and want to help support the Church. They are noble knights and ladies who have a special role to play in keeping alive the memory of Jesus and his teachings.