Imagine you live on top of a really big mountain, where the air is thin and the temperatures are really cold. The air up there has less oxygen and it's harder to breathe. You might need to wear warm clothes and use special equipment to survive in this environment.
Well, some living things like plants, animals, and even tiny organisms like bacteria, can also live in these high altitude places! They are specially adapted to survive in low-oxygen and cold environments.
For example, some animals have thicker fur to keep them warm, like the snow leopard or mountain goat. Other animals, like the Yak, have really big lungs to help them take in more oxygen from the thin air.
Plants that grow in high altitude regions have adapted to live in harsh conditions as well. They might grow close to the ground so they aren't blown away by strong winds, or have really tough leaves to protect them from the cold.
Even tiny organisms like bacteria have found ways to survive in high altitudes, such as by living deep in the soil or in rock crevices where they are sheltered from extreme weather conditions.
So, if you see an animal or plant living way up high in the mountains, don't be surprised - it's just nature's way of adapting to different environments!