ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Orgastic potency

Orgastic potency is a big word that means how good someone is at having an orgasm.

Now, an orgasm is a feeling that happens when parts of your body feel really good all at once. It's like when you laugh really hard or when you feel super excited about something.

Sometimes, people have a hard time having an orgasm, which can be frustrating or feel like something is wrong. Orgastic potency is a way of describing how easy or difficult it is for someone to have an orgasm.

It's kind of like playing a video game. Some people are really good at it and can beat levels very easily, while others might struggle a bit more. In the same way, some people have an easy time having an orgasm, while others might need a bit more practice or help.

Just like with video games, everyone is different! What matters most is that you feel good about yourself and are having fun. There's no one right way to be good at orgasms, as long as you're enjoying yourself.