ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Origin of religion

When people were just starting to live together as groups, they didn't know how things like the sun, moon, and the stars worked. They also didn't understand why thunder and lightning happened. They felt scared and curious about these things they couldn't explain.

So, they started to make up stories about them. These stories were their way of understanding the world around them. They would tell the stories to their families and friends, and soon these stories became religion.

Each group of people had their own stories and beliefs about how the world worked. And as people traveled and traded with other groups, they would share their stories and beliefs with each other. Over time, some stories and beliefs became more popular than others, and people would start to follow those stories and beliefs as their religion.

Religion was also used as a way to explain things that were happening in their lives, like why crops would fail or why someone would get sick. They believed that their gods or goddesses could either help or punish them.

As time went on, religion became more complex, with rituals and ceremonies. But no matter how complex it became, it all started with people trying to understand the world around them.