ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay, so imagine you want to learn new things and read cool stuff online, but you don't have the internet. That's where Othernet comes in! Othernet is kind of like a special radio station that sends information to a box that you can connect to your computer.

This box is like a magic box that can receive signals sent by the Othernet radio station, and turn them into text and pictures that you can see on your computer screen. It's like having a little piece of the internet without actually being connected to it!

But Othernet doesn't have everything that you can find on the internet. It has a special selection of information, like news articles, educational materials, and even books. That way, you can still learn and stay informed, even if you can't access the bigger internet.

And the best part? Othernet doesn't require an internet connection or even electricity! It can run on a small solar panel or battery, so it can be used in places where there isn't reliable electricity or internet access. How cool is that?