ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Outlawry is when somebody is kicked out of society and declared to be a bad person who doesn't have any rights and can be punished without the protection of the law. It's like being a really bad kid in class and getting sent to the principal's office, but instead of just getting a detention, you are not allowed to be part of the class anymore.

This was a very old punishment that was used in some countries, like medieval Europe, when somebody did something really bad, like stealing or killing someone. The idea was that if you were an outlaw, people could hunt you down and punish you without worrying about breaking the law themselves, because you were not protected by the law anymore.

But this wasn't a fair punishment because sometimes people were declared outlaws without even having a trial, and they couldn't defend themselves or explain their side of the story. It was also a very cruel punishment because being an outlaw meant you couldn't have a home or work or even buy food, and you were constantly afraid of being caught and punished.

Today, outlawry is no longer used as a punishment in any country, and people are treated fairly under the law with the right to a trial and a defense.