Overdrafting happens when you spend more money than you have in your bank account. It's like eating too many cookies, but you don't have any more cookies left to eat. Except instead of cookies, you're spending money that you don't really have.
When you open a bank account, the bank gives you a certain amount of money that you can spend. This is called your balance. You can use your balance to buy things or pay bills. But if you spend more than your balance, you'll be overdrawn.
Being overdrawn can be bad because the bank can charge you extra money for spending too much. This is called an overdraft fee. It's like when your Mom tells you not to eat too many cookies or you might get a tummy ache.
The fees can make it hard for you to get back on track, just like when you eat too many cookies and feel sick. It's important to keep track of how much money you have in your account so you don't spend too much. If you can't remember how much money you have, you can always check your bank account online or ask your parents to help you.
In summary, overdrafting happens when you spend more money than you have in your bank account, and it can result in extra charges from the bank. It's important to keep track of your money and not overspend.