ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Oxidizing agent

An oxidizing agent is like a superhero that goes around making things rust or turn brown. Suppose you have a toy car and you spray some vinegar on it. The vinegar reacts with the metal in the car and makes it turn brown. That is what an oxidizing agent does – it makes other things lose electrons and gain oxygen.

Think of electrons like tiny little toys that atoms like to play with. If an atom loses an electron, it gives it to another atom, which means the other atom now has a new toy to play with. Sometimes, an atom needs to lose an electron to bond with another atom, and that is what an oxidizing agent does – it helps atoms lose electrons.

Oxidizing agents are incredibly powerful, and they can even make things explode! When an oxidizing agent reacts with something flammable, they create a reaction that can produce heat, light, and gas. So, like superheroes, oxidizing agents are very powerful and should be handled with care.