ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Pāramitā is a big word that means being super, super good at something. Imagine you really like playing soccer, and you become the best soccer player in your whole town. That means you have reached the pāramitā of soccer-playing!

But pāramitā isn't just about being really good at things. It's also about being really, really good at being kind, patient, and helpful to other people. Imagine someone is having a bad day and they need someone to talk to. If you are really good at being a good listener, and you help them feel better, that means you're practicing the pāramitā of giving.

There are lots of different pāramitās, like being good at being patient, or being able to forgive people when they make mistakes. A really special thing about pāramitā is that it isn't just something you can get better at once and be done with. It's like a game where you can always keep getting better and better the more you play.

So, pāramitā is a word that means being really good at important things, like being kind and patient, and it's something you can always keep working on to become even better at!