ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

POWER8 on-chip controller

Okay kiddo, let me explain to you what a power8 on-chip controller is like you're 5 years old.

The power8 on-chip controller is like a little computer brain that lives inside a bigger computer brain. You know how you have a brain inside your head that helps you think and remember things? Well, computers have brains too, and the power8 on-chip controller is a very important part of their brain.

The power8 on-chip controller helps the bigger computer brain control things like how much power the computer needs, how fast it can go, and how it communicates with other parts of the computer. You know how when you're playing a game on your tablet or phone and it starts to get really hot? That's because the little computer brain inside your device is working really hard and needs more power to keep going. The power8 on-chip controller helps the computer decide how much power it needs and makes sure it gets it.

Another thing the power8 on-chip controller does is help the computer communicate with other parts of itself, like the memory and the storage. Just like how you can talk to your friends using your voice or by texting them on your parent's phone, the power8 on-chip controller helps the computer talk to other parts by sending little signals back and forth.

Overall, the power8 on-chip controller is like the captain of the ship inside the computer. Without it, the computer wouldn't know what to do and would be lost at sea. But with the power8 on-chip controller, the computer can sail smoothly and do all sorts of amazing things, just like how you can navigate the world and have fun adventures with your own brain.