ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Page replacement algorithm

Imagine you have a toy box with limited space and lots of toys. You can only keep a certain number of toys in the box at one time, so when you want to put in a new toy but the box is already full, you have to take out one of the toys you're not playing with to make room.

A computer's memory is kind of like a toy box. It has limited space and lots of programs and data that want to be stored in it. When the memory is full and a new program or piece of data needs to be added, the computer has to make room by getting rid of something else.

The page replacement algorithm is the way the computer decides which program or data to remove from memory to make room for the new one. It works kind of like a game where different programs and data have different values, and the one with the lowest value gets kicked out to make room for the new one.

There are different page replacement algorithms, but the most popular ones are called FIFO (first in, first out) and LRU (least recently used).

In the FIFO algorithm, the computer keeps track of which program or data was put into memory first. When it needs to make room, it removes the oldest one to make space for the new one.

In the LRU algorithm, the computer keeps track of which program or data was used least recently. When it needs to make room, it removes the one that hasn't been used in the longest time to make space for the new one.

These algorithms help the computer manage its limited memory space so it can keep running smoothly without crashing or slowing down too much.