ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, it's time to learn about something called a parabola. Have you ever seen a U-shaped curve? That's what a parabola looks like!

Imagine you are playing catch with a ball. If you throw the ball straight up in the air, it will go up, then come down in a straight line. But what if you throw the ball at an angle? The ball will still go up, but it will also move to the side. As it falls back down, it will follow a curved path, like a parabola.

So you see, a parabola is like a curve that happens when you throw something at an angle in the air. But there's more to it than that.

A parabola can also be described using something called an equation. An equation is like a recipe that tells you how to make something. For a parabola, the equation looks like this: y = ax² + bx + c.

Now, don't get scared by all those letters and numbers! Let's break it down. The 'y' just stands for the height of the parabola at any given point. The 'x' represents the distance from the middle of the parabola.

The 'a', 'b', and 'c' are just some numbers that help shape the parabola. They make it wider or narrower, taller or shorter. They are kind of like the spices you add to a recipe to make it taste better.

So you see, a parabola is a fancy kind of curve that you can make with math. And they pop up all over the place, like in the shape of a satellite dish, the trajectory of a thrown ball, or in the design of a bridge. Cool, huh?