ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Parabolic coordinates

Okay kiddo, let's talk about parabolic coordinates. First, we need to know what coordinates mean. Have you ever played a treasure hunt game using a map? What do you see on the map? That's right, the map has lines that help us find where the treasure is hidden. Those lines are called coordinates.

Now, parabolic coordinates are like those lines on the map, but instead of showing a place on a map, they show us where something is located in space. The parabolic coordinates system is used to locate a point in a plane using two parameters, one of which relates to distance, and the other relates to the angle from a fixed line known as the focal axis.

Imagine a flat surface that looks like a bowl. The edge of the bowl is the parabola curve, and the bottom of the bowl is the focal axis. That's where we measure the distance from, and where we measure angles from. It's like having a treasure map where the "X" marks the spot, and instead of just saying "go north" or "go south," we need to use specific angles to find it.

So, parabolic coordinates are a way of locating a point in space by using distance and angles measured from a fixed line. It's like having a special map that helps us find things in a 3D space!