ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Parliament of the United Kingdom

So imagine you are playing a game with a group of friends like a school council, where you all try to make decisions for the good of everyone. Now let's say that you and your friends are trying to decide whether to give the school more money to buy new books or to use that money to buy new playground equipment. You all can't decide on your own, so you need to ask someone else for help.

The Parliament of the United Kingdom is kind of like the grown-up version of your school council. The members of Parliament are adults who are elected by people in their local area to represent them and make important decisions for the whole country. They are like the group of friends in the school council, but much bigger and more important.

The UK parliament is divided into two houses, one is the House of Commons, where members are elected by people of the United Kingdom to represent them in parliament. The other is the House of Lords, which is made up of people who have been appointed because of their positions in society or because they are experts in certain areas like law or science.

The House of Commons is where most of the decisions are made. Members of Parliament in the House of Commons debate and vote on laws and other important things that affect the whole country. They are like your friends in the school council who discuss ideas and come up with a plan.

The Prime Minister, who is kind of like the head of the school council, is chosen by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons, and they are responsible for leading the country and making sure everything is running smoothly.

So just like how you and your friends in the school council work together to make important decisions for your school, Members of Parliament in the UK Parliament work together to make important decisions for the whole country.