ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Pazyryk burials

Pazyryk burials are like very old tombs that people from a long time ago (like way, way back in time) would bury their important stuff in. The people who made these burials lived in a place that was very cold, so they had to make sure their stuff didn't get ruined by the freezing temperatures or the snow.

The people who made these burials were really good at making things with their hands, like clothes, hats, and even little toys for kids. They would bury these things with their important people, like great leaders or really wealthy families.

When people find these burials now, they can learn a lot about what the people who lived a long time ago were like. They might even find things that they've never seen before, or that are really old and rare. It's kind of like a treasure hunt!