ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Pen computing

Pen computing is using a special pen-like device called a stylus to interact with a computer or electronic device. The stylus looks like a regular pen, but instead of writing on paper, it is used to tap on a special screen.

The screen has sensors that can detect where the stylus is tapping and translate those movements into commands or actions on the computer. This means that instead of using a regular computer mouse or keyboard, you can use the stylus to control everything on the screen, from typing words to drawing pictures.

Pen computing is used in many different devices today, including tablets, smartphones, and even some laptops. It makes it easier for people to interact with their electronic devices and can be especially helpful for tasks that involve drawing or handwriting, like taking notes or creating art.

So basically, pen computing is using a special pen-like tool to control your computer or electronic device by tapping on a special screen.