ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Peninsular Malaysia

Peninsular Malaysia is a big piece of land that sticks out from Asia and looks kind of like a hand or a dinosaur head. It's attached to Thailand on one side and has lots of water around the other three sides.

Peninsular Malaysia is made up of lots of different states, kind of like how your toy box has different kinds of toys inside. Each state has its own special things that make it unique, like toys have different shapes, colors, and features.

People have been living in Peninsular Malaysia for thousands and thousands of years. Early people used to hunt and gather food, but later on, they began farming and trading with other countries. Today, many people still live in Peninsular Malaysia and are proud of their history and culture.

Peninsular Malaysia has lots of amazing things to see and do, like beautiful beaches, towering mountains, delicious food, and cultural festivals. It's a very special place that you might want to visit one day!