ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Percentage point

Percentages are a way of talking about numbers using parts of 100. For example, if you have 100 candies and you share 10 with your friend, you have given away 10% of your candies. But percentage points are a bit different.

A percentage point is a term that describes a change in a percentage. For example, if you have a savings account that earns 2% interest and the bank decides to increase the interest rate to 3%, that's a change of one percentage point.

Think of it like moving along a number line. If you start at the number zero and move one number up, you've moved one point. If you start at 2% interest and move up to 3% interest, you've moved one percentage point.

So, the percentage point is just a simple way to talk about changes in percentages. It's like counting how many steps you take, but instead of steps, you're measuring changes in percentages.