ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Perceptual Computing

Perceptual computing is when computers are able to understand and interact with the world around them using their senses, just like humans do. This means that the computer is able to hear sounds, see colors and shapes, feel textures, and even smell or taste things using special sensors and software.

For example, if you were playing a game on your computer that uses perceptual computing, the computer might be able to see where your hands are moving and use that information to control the game in a more natural way. Or, if you were taking a picture with your computer's camera, the computer might be able to automatically adjust the lighting and focus based on what it sees.

Perceptual computing can be very helpful because it allows computers to better understand what we want them to do and how we want them to do it, making them more user-friendly and efficient. It also opens up new possibilities for interaction between humans and machines, which can lead to exciting new technologies and applications in areas like virtual reality, healthcare, and robotics.