ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Persuasive definition

Persuasive definition is a type of definition which presents or explains a term, but with a purpose of influencing the listener or reader's attitude towards the term. It can be compared to a sales pitch for a product, where the goal is to make someone want the product.

Imagine you have a toy, let's say a red ball, and you want your friend to play with it. You start explaining to your friend that this ball is not just any ball, it's a "super ball". The super ball is a term you use to describe the red ball, but your goal is to make it sound more special and exciting, so your friend will want to play with it.

In a more formal setting, persuasive definition may be used by politicians, lawyers or marketers, who want to influence people's views on certain topics. For example, a politician may use the term "job creator" to describe a certain policy or tax break, in an effort to make it sound positive and beneficial, even if there is not necessarily evidence to support this.

Overall, persuasive definition is a technique people use to make an idea or a term sound more appealing or convincing, by presenting it in a certain way.