ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Petition for review

Okay, let's think about it like this. You know how sometimes when you want something really badly, you have to go to your parents and ask them if you can have it? And sometimes they might say no, but you think that they made the wrong decision and you want to ask someone else to help you?

Well, a petition for review is kind of like that. Let's say there was a really important decision made by a grown-up, like a judge or a government agency, that you think is wrong. If you want to ask someone else to review that decision and maybe change it, you can file something called a petition for review.

It's like asking a higher-up grown-up to take a look at the decision and see if they agree with it or not. But, just like when you ask your parents for something, you can't just say "I don't like it" - you have to have a good reason why you think the decision was wrong.

So when you file a petition for review, you have to explain to the higher-up grown-up why you think the decision made by the lower-level grown-up was wrong. They'll look at everything you say and decide if they agree with you or not. If they do, they might change the decision. If they don't, then the decision stays the same.

Overall, a petition for review is a way to ask for a second opinion from someone who might be able to change an important decision that you don't agree with.