ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Pilot licensing and certification

Imagine you want to drive a car. You can't just hop in and start driving on the road. You have to learn how to drive first and take a test to show you know how to drive safely.

The same thing goes for flying a plane. You can't just jump into the cockpit and fly a plane without any training or certification. You need to go through specific training and testing to get your pilot's license.

To become a pilot, you first have to go to a flight school. There, you'll learn all about planes, how they work, and how to fly them. You'll also learn about safety procedures, how to handle emergencies, and how to communicate with air traffic control.

After you've completed your flight training, you'll then take a test to show that you know how to fly a plane safely. This test is called a check ride. During the check ride, you'll have to demonstrate all the skills you learned in flight school to an FAA examiner.

If you pass the check ride, you'll be issued a pilot's license, which allows you to legally fly a plane. There are different types of pilot licenses, depending on the type of plane you want to fly and where you want to fly.

To maintain your pilot's license, you have to keep flying regularly and take periodic tests to show that you're still up-to-date on safety procedures and flying skills.

Overall, getting a pilot's license is a lot like learning how to drive a car. You have to go through training and testing to show that you know how to fly a plane safely.