ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Pixel-art scaling algorithms

Okay, kiddo, let me tell you a story about pixel art scaling algorithms.

When we look at pictures or images on our screens, they are made up of lots and lots of tiny squares called pixels. These pixels come together to form the image we see on our screens.

Now, sometimes we want to make a small picture bigger or a big picture smaller. When we do this, we need a way to make sure the pixels still look good and don't become blurry or stretched out.

This is where pixel art scaling algorithms come in! These are special tools that help resize pixel art images without making them look bad.

There are lots of different scaling algorithms, but they all work by using math to figure out how to resize the pixels so they still look sharp and clear.

Some algorithms, like Nearest-Neighbor, just add more pixels to the image and make each pixel bigger. Other algorithms, like the more advanced Super-Sampling, use fancy math to calculate the best way to add pixels so the image still looks nice and sharp.

So, the next time you see a cool pixel art image on your computer screen, you'll know that pixel art scaling algorithms helped make it look so good!