ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Plasma gasification

Plasma gasification is like magic! Imagine we have some garbage that we want to get rid of, but we don't want to put it in the landfill or burn it because that's not good for the environment.

So, we bring the garbage to a special machine called a gasifier that uses something called plasma. Plasma is like a really hot gas that's made when you heat up a gas and make the atoms in the gas break apart.

In the gasifier machine, the garbage is broken down into tiny pieces and then heated up with plasma. This makes the garbage turn into gas, like the gas we use for cooking or heating our homes.

But wait, we're not done yet! The gas that's made from the garbage is then cleaned up to get rid of any chemicals or pollutants that might be in it. This way, we can use the gas for electricity or fuel instead of burning or putting the garbage in a landfill.

So, in summary: Plasma gasification is a special machine that uses super hot gas called plasma to turn garbage into clean gas that can be used for electricity or fuel instead of going to waste. Isn't that amazing?