ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Plasmonic metamaterial

Hey there! So, a plasmonic metamaterial is something scientists made that can do some pretty cool things with light. But first we have to understand what "plasmonic" and "metamaterial" mean.

Plasmonic means that the material can make something called "plasmons," which are like little waves of energy that move along the surface of the material. Think of it like waves in a pool, but instead of water, it's energy.

Metamaterial means that it's made up of lots of tiny structures. Like how a brick wall is made up of lots of little bricks, a metamaterial is made up of lots of tiny structures.

Now, when you put plasmonic and metamaterial together, you get a material that can do some really cool things with light. Scientists made it by arranging these tiny structures in a way that makes them really good at interacting with light.

This material can do things like bend light around objects, make objects invisible, and even make light faster! It's kind of like a superhero material for light.

So, in summary, a plasmonic metamaterial is a special material that can do some really cool things with light because it's made up of lots of tiny structures and can make something called "plasmons."