ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Imagine you are going up a tall hill. When you first start walking up, it's really hard and tiring because you're going up against gravity. But as you keep going, you start to get into a rhythm and it becomes easier.

Now imagine that you've been walking for a really long time and you finally reach the top of the hill. You're super proud of yourself because it was really hard work to get up there. But when you get to the top, you realize that the ground is flat and it doesn't go up or down anymore. This flat land is called a plateau.

A plateau is like a really big step or a really long break in the land. It's usually higher than the land around it, and it's flat on top. Like the top of the hill, once you reach the plateau, you can walk on it without needing to climb up anymore.

People sometimes use the word "plateau" to talk about other things besides land. For example, if you're trying to learn a new skill like playing piano or riding a bike, you might improve really quickly at first. But then you might get to a point where you don't seem to be getting any better, even if you keep practicing. This is called hitting a plateau. It means that you've reached a point where you're not improving as quickly as you were before. But, just like with climbing up a hill or plateau, if you keep working at it, you might eventually find a way to get better again!