ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Plesetsk Cosmodrome

So, you know how sometimes people want to send things to space? Like rockets with satellites or even people on board? Well, there's a place in Russia called Plesetsk Cosmodrome where they do just that.

Plesetsk Cosmodrome is like a special airport for space things. It's a really big place, like a whole city, where they have lots of buildings and equipment to help send things to space. People who work there are like pilots, engineers, and scientists all at once.

When someone wants to send something to space, they start by building a rocket. It's like a really tall tube with engines at the bottom to make it go up. Then they put whatever they want to send to space inside the rocket.

The rocket is then moved to Plesetsk Cosmodrome, where it's put on a special launchpad. This is a big flat surface where the rocket stands before it takes off. The people who work at Plesetsk Cosmodrome check everything really carefully to make sure the rocket and its cargo are safe.

Finally, when everything is ready, they blast the engines and the rocket takes off like a huge firework. It goes up really high and really fast until it reaches space! And that's how things get sent to space from Plesetsk Cosmodrome.
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