ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Point groups in two dimensions

Okay kiddo, let me explain what point groups are in simple terms.

Imagine you have a piece of paper and a crayon. Now draw a shape on the paper, like a star or a square. This shape is known as an "object".

Now, let's think about what happens when we rotate this object. If we turn it a little bit, it might look slightly different but it's still the same object.

But if we turn it a lot, it might look completely different. That's because a shape can have different symmetries or patterns when it's rotated.

A point group is just a fancy way of talking about all the different symmetries an object can have when it's rotated in two dimensions.

For example, imagine a square. If we rotate it by 90 degrees, it looks exactly the same. That's called a "rotational symmetry" of order 4 because it takes 4 rotations to get back to the original shape.

But if we flip the square over, it looks different. That's called a "reflection symmetry".

So, this square has two different symmetries - rotation and reflection - which means it belongs to a certain point group.

Different shapes have different point groups with different types of symmetries. But basically, a point group just tells you all the different ways you can rotate or reflect an object in two dimensions while keeping it looking the same.

Does that make sense?