ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Polonization is when people of different cultures or ethnicities adopt the language, customs, and traditions of Polish culture.

Let's imagine that you're a kid who moved to Poland with your family. At first, you might not know how to speak Polish or understand Polish customs. But as you spend more time in Poland, you start to learn the language and customs. You might start eating traditional Polish foods like pierogi or drinking cherry-flavored kompot. You might start listening to Polish music or watching Polish movies. And over time, you become more and more connected to Polish culture.

This process of adopting Polish culture and becoming more "Polish" is called polonization. It's a way of connecting with the local culture and becoming part of the community. Polonization has been happening for centuries as people from different parts of Europe and the world have moved to Poland and assimilated into Polish society. Today, Poland is a diverse country with a rich mix of cultures and traditions, and polonization continues to be an important part of its history and identity.