ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, today we're going to talk about a big word called "polycarpic". It means a plant or animal that can have babies or make seeds multiple times in its life.

Just like how you grow bigger and stronger every year, polycarpic plants and animals can keep growing and making babies again and again. Some plants like apple trees and animals like humans are polycarpic.

This is different from another type of plants and animals called "monocarpic" which only have one chance to reproduce before they die. Monocarpic plants and animals, like a bamboo plant and certain types of insects, will only make seeds once and then they die right after.

So, polycarpic means something can keep having babies or making seeds over and over again, while monocarpic means they only have one chance to make babies before they die.
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