ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Polynesians are a group of people who live in a big area in the middle of the ocean called the Pacific. They are like a big family because they all speak a similar language and have similar cultures.

Polynesians have a lot of islands in the Pacific that they call home. Some of these islands are really small and some are really big. Some are shaped like a circle and some are shaped like a long, skinny line. Each island has its own special name and history.

Polynesians are very good at traveling on the water because they have boats called canoes that are made out of wood. These canoes are special because they have big sails on them that can help them move really fast in the wind. Polynesians use these canoes to travel from island to island and to go fishing.

Polynesians have their own special foods that they like to eat. They eat a lot of fish and seafood because they live near the ocean. They also eat a lot of fruit like coconuts and bananas. They even have a special way of cooking called a "luau" where they cook a pig underground with hot rocks!

Polynesians are also very good at dancing and singing. They have dances that tell stories about their history and traditions. They use special instruments like drums, ukuleles, and guitars to make music.

Overall, Polynesians are a group of people who live in the Pacific Ocean, are very good at traveling on boats and have their own special language and culture. They eat fish and fruit, dance and sing, and have a lot of different islands they call home.