ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Polyvagal Theory

Polyvagal theory is like having lots of feelings in your body that help you to feel safe, calm, and happy or to warn you when you are in danger, scared, or need to run away.

Our body has a nervous system that controls how we feel and react to things around us. This nervous system has three parts: the ventral vagal, sympathetic, and dorsal vagal systems.

The ventral vagal system is like a happy and calm superhero in your body that helps you to feel relaxed, safe and social. This system is active when you are with people you love, feeling happy, and enjoying life.

The sympathetic system is like a superhero that gives you energy to fight or run away from danger when you feel scared, angry or threatened. This system helps your heart beat faster, your muscles work harder and your breath quickens.

The dorsal vagal system is like a superhero that helps you to shut down and slow down when you feel very stressed or scared. This system makes you feel tired, freeze or disconnect from the world around you.

When we feel safe, happy and connected, our ventral vagal system is active. But when we feel scared, threatened or unsafe, our body switches to the sympathetic or dorsal vagal system.

Polyvagal theory helps us understand how our nervous system works and how it affects our emotions and behaviors. It helps us learn how to recognize and regulate our emotions, connect with others, and cope with stress and trauma.