Okay kiddo, imagine you have a big box of toys and sometimes your toy pirate ship gets taken over by some bad guys and they won't let you play with it. That's kind of like what happened a long time ago with something called pirates.
There was a man named Pompey, who was really important in ancient Rome. One day, he got a job to make sure the pirates weren't causing trouble anymore in the Mediterranean Sea. Pompey had to lead an army to find and stop them.
First, he divided his army into three groups and sent them to different areas where the pirates were known to hang out. Then, he built a lot of ships and sailed with them too. He wanted to make sure there was no place the pirates could hide.
When Pompey found the first group of pirates, he made them give up their weapons and promise to stop being bad guys. Then, he sailed to the next group and did the same thing. And then the third.
Pretty soon, the pirates were no longer a problem. Everyone was happy that Pompey did such a great job and made the sea a safer place for people to travel and trade. So, it was kind of like cleaning up your toy pirate ship and getting to play with it again without any bad guys stealing it.