ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Population Control Bill, 2019

Okay kiddo, so you know how there are a lot of people on Earth right? The population is getting bigger and bigger every day.

But sometimes, having too many people in one place can be a problem. It can make it harder for everyone to have enough food or water, and it can make it harder to find a good job or a place to live.

So some people think that we should have rules to help control the number of people who are born. This is called population control.

The Population Control Bill is a law that some people want to make in India, which would try to control how many children people can have. They want to do this to try and make sure that there's enough space and resources for everyone.

Some people think this is a good idea, while others don't like it. They think that having a law that tells people how many children they can have is not fair.

But right now, the bill is still just an idea. It hasn't become a law yet. So we'll have to wait and see what happens next!