ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Positive vorticity advection

Okay kiddo, do you know what a spinny thing is? Like when you throw a frisbee, it spins in the air. That spinny thing is called vorticity. Now imagine that there are lots of spinny things in the air, all moving around and bumping into each other.

Sometimes, these spinny things can help make weather happen. When they move around and mix together in a certain way, it can bring in warm air or cold air or make the wind blow really hard.

Now, when the spinny things are moving around and bringing in more of the same kind of air, we call that positive vorticity advection. It's like the spinny things are carrying that kind of air along with them as they move.

Positive vorticity advection can help make weather patterns stronger and last longer. So if you see on the weather report that there's positive vorticity advection happening in your area, it means that the weather might be getting more intense. But don't worry, it can also mean that there will be nice sunny days too!