ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Postpartum confinement

Postpartum confinement is when a new mom must take extra care of herself after giving birth.

Think about when you get sick with a cold or the flu. You need to rest in bed and drink lots of fluids to help your body feel better. New moms need to rest and take care of themselves after having a baby too, but for longer than just a few days.

During postpartum confinement, the new mom might stay at home and not see many visitors besides family and close friends. She might also eat special foods and not do much physical activity for a month or more. This helps her body heal and recover after giving birth, which is a big job for the body!

It is very important that new moms follow postpartum confinement rules to keep themselves and their babies healthy. They can ask their doctors or nurses for information on how to take the best care of themselves and their new babies during this special time.